Once Upon a Time In Seblat Elephant Training Center, Bengkulu
Mahmud Kusuma
In Bengkulu Province, precisely in the Seblat Natural Tourism Park (TWA) area, Sukabaru Village, North Bengkulu Regency, there is an Elephant Conservation and Training Center. The Seblat Elephant Training Center (PLG) as a tourist destination in Bengkulu was opened in October 1992 through the Decree of the Minister of Forestry No. 658/Kpts-ll/1995 dated December 8, 1995, has an area of about 6800 hectares, and is part of the Kerinci Seblat National Park (TNKS). Apart from being a conservation area for around 200 wild Sumatran elephants, PLG Seblat is also a habitat for some rare flora and fauna typical of the island of Sumatra.[1]
Access to the Seblat PLG
Access to the Seblat PLG area is not too difficult to reach from the city of Bengkulu, visitors can ride towards Air Muring, either using private vehicles or public transportation (buses), with a distance of about 150 km. After arriving at Air Muring, there are 3 routes that can be chosen to arrive at the PLG Seblat area, namely: passing through PT. Agricinal with a distance of about 20 km, or takes about 1 hour. Passing Seblat (next to the Putri Hijau District Office) Block C, Suka Baru, PLG Seblat, with a distance of about 15 km. Passing the village of Air Muring, Suka Missing, Suka Baru, PLG Seblat, with a distance of about 17 km.[2]
Various Elephant Attractions
Along the way to Seblat, travelers can find various kinds of tourist accommodations that can be used to stop first before entering the conservation area. Inns, restaurants, places of worship, souvenir stalls and handicrafts made of stone and rattan are found in the area. After arriving at the conservation area, travelers can see more than 200 wild Sumatran elephants in this area. Seblat itself is the center of habitat for several rare flora and fauna typical of Sumatra, especially elephants.[3]
The Seblat Elephant Training Center will also invite travelers to witness various elephant attractions that are quite stunning. The elephants that were once wild animals, in the hands of the trainers became tame and intelligent. Some attractions such as discos, draping flowers, carrying flags, guessing numbers/letters, playing soccer, lining up to carrying travelers can also be done. For travelers who are not satisfied with enjoying elephant attractions all day, travelers can also stay at the guest house provided at the Seblat Elephant Training Center.[4]
Officers of the Kerinci Seblat National Park area or the Seblat Elephant Training Center explained that usually this tourist area will be crowded on Saturdays or Sundays and holidays. Many residents and families come to this Seblat Elephant Training Center for tours, whether it's just to see and play with elephants or really want to stay at this place. However, in general, this Seblat Elephant Training Center is a place for training or internships for forestry students from all over Indonesia.[5] If it's a holiday and there are many tourists, usually the Seblat Elephant Training Center area imposes a tariff of IDR 6500 per visitor. The cost of staying overnight around 150,000 / night.[6]
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1. "Serunya Berwisata ke Pusat Latihan Gajah Seblat", www.bengkuluinteraktif.com, diakses pada tanggal 29 Juli 2021, https://www.bengkuluinteraktif.com/serunya-berwisata-ke-pusat-latihan-gajah-seblat
2. Ibid.
3. "Pusat Pelatihan Gajah Seblat", wisatakita.com, Diakses pada tanggal 29 Juli 2021, https://wisatakita.com/wisata/Bengkulu/Bengkulu.Utara/Pusat.Pelatihan.Gajah.Seblat
4. Ibid.
5. "Berkunjung ke Pusat Latihan Gajah Seblat Bengkulu", kataomed.com, Diakses pada tanggal 29 Juli 2021, https://kataomed.com/taman-nasional/berkunjung-ke-pusat-latihan-gajah-seblat-bengkulu
6. Ibid.
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